Redhat Package Manager (RPM)
Some facts about RPM (RedHat Package Manager)
- RPM is free and released under GPL (General Public License).
- RPM keeps the information of all the installed packages under /var/lib/rpm database.
- RPM is the only way to install packages under Linux systems,if you've installed packages using source code, then rpm won't manage it.
- RPM deals with .rpm files, which contains the actual information about the packages such as:- what it is, from where it comes, dependencies information, version information etc.
There are five basic modes for RPM command
- Install - It is used to install any RPM package.
- Remove - It is used to erase, remove or uninstall any RPM package.
- Upgrade - It is used to update the existing RPM package.
- Verify - It is used to query about different RPM packages.
- Query - It is used for the verification of any RPM package.
How to check an RPM Signature Package
Always check the PGP signature of packages before installing them on your Linx systems and make sure its integrity and origin is OK. Use the following command with - checksig (check signature) option to check the signature of a package called pidgin.